Saturday, 20 August 2011

We did it!

We made it to Ulan Bataar a few days ago, but have struggled to update the blog due to lost luggage, too much beer, not enough internet time, feelings of elation, etc.

We will post the new blogs soon. A quick update is we came in 10th (out of 350+ teams). I'm back in London, Meghan is on a plane to San Francisco and Matt and Simon are in Mongolia firing off RPGs.

The trip far exceeded all of my expectations. If you asked me a week ago while we were crossing a river in a rain storm and having our car flooded to stay in little KA-put for another few weeks I would have wept a few tears of frustration. Now I can't think of another place I'd rather be than cruising through Mongolian steppes, sleeping in yurts and taking in the in ubiquitous scents of fermented horse cheese and mutton dumplings.

Time to look forward to the next adventure...

Blogs to follow in the coming days. 


  1. Congrats, you guys! It has been fun reading your blog...and can I say, as someone who will never outgrow her English major-ness, it has been a joy to read a blog that's well-written!

  2. congrats on thriving while surviving! so glad to hear everyone is not just safe and healthy, but reinvigorated, fulfilled, and all those wonderful things :) I'm eager to read the innuendo of the trip you've yet to post!
