Sunday, 7 August 2011

Keep on Truckin...

Hey folks, we have been bookin it through Kazakhstan the past few days. Not a lot of internet access when you're camping by the side of the road and eating beans out of a can:-) We are still in love with this country and the people here - everyone has been so welcoming and friendly. We arrived in the capital, Astana, tonight and are hoping to get close to the Russian border tomorrow night. After that it's Mongolia or bust! Sorry we can't write more...we hope to add some pictures from our adventures soon.

PS: turns out there's no such thing as freedom of the press in Kazakhstan - a few days ago we thought our blog was down because we couldn't access the page - well we came to find out that blogspot is actually blocked in Kazakhstan - crazy! So, we can add posts and you all can see them but we can't.

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