Saturday, 16 July 2011

And so it begins...

A week today, Meghan, Simon, Matt and I will be loading up the car that will become our home for the next four weeks. It’s safe to say that we are all a bit nervous (some more than others...errr…guilty), but I guess that comes with the territory of signing up for a road trip that consists of 10+ countries, thousands of miles and a tiny 2004 Ford Ka.

While I am nervous about a few particular aspects of the trip, for instance:
Lack of leg room
Camping (not a fan)
Kazakhstan (does anyone know anything about this “untouched” country other than the ridiculous, not to mention false portrayal that Borat gave us)
Eating fermented yak’s milk and sheep’s testicles (a Mongol delicacy)
Crossing borders (apparently waiting a whole day is the norm)
Flat tires (unavoidable)
And overall the great unknown

I am still really excited. I’ll be in a car for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with some of the most amazing people I know. Simon, a given, the man who I get to grow old with. His hilarious and lovable brother, Matt, who has the gift of the gab, which I believe will see us through any and all border crossings. And of course, Meghan, Meghan, Meghan who is an absolute joy to be around, her laugh and jovial nature alone will also see us through all border crossings.

I’ll try to keep this blog as up to date as possible for the next five weeks with pictures, progress, anecdotes and so on. I hope in five weeks’ time I’ll be able to write about how all my nerves were completely unnecessary and how I found a new love for camping (unlikely, but weirder things have happened).

Here’s to flat tires, Kazakhstan and sheep’s balls. Wish us luck.

Kassie xo

For those that don’t know, we are driving from London to Mongolia in a Ford KA as participants of the Mongol Rally ( The organisation that is organising it is the Adventurists ( They have been organising all sorts of these trips for many years. Our route will take us through 10+ countries (including Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Slovenia, etc.) and we have to finish within four weeks.

To take part in the Mongol Rally we have to raise at least £1100 for Mercy Corps. We are paying for all the costs so all the money people have donated goes directly to the charity. Mercy Corps assists those who have experienced some sort of shock such as natural disaster, economic collapse or conflict. Thank you to those of you who have already donated, we are extremely grateful. We are now £390 away from our goal:

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